Kids Ministry was the first ministry we dreamed up for West Oaks Church. We have our best volunteer leaders here because it is our highest priority to care for your children and show them they matter. When you attend a worship gathering at West Oaks, it will be our pleasure to care for children birth through 5th grade. We know how important it is for your kids to love coming to church. More than just loving church, we want them to love Jesus in a safe and fun environment.
West Oaks Kids is the Sunday morning environment for our elementary aged kids that includes a large group gathering for exciting games, worship and teaching, alongside a more personal small group time with adult leaders. All of this in a package to make this experience the best 60 minutes of not only their day but their week.
Introducing kids to Jesus and coming along side parents to help equip them in teaching their kids about Jesus.
You, as parents, are really the ones pledging yourselves to “teach the Word of the Lord diligently to your children, to talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deuteronomy 6:7).

We also believe in empowering you to tell your kids about Jesus. It’s our joy to help you lead your children when you leave Sunday mornings.