God Initiates
Salvation is the gracious purpose of God according to which He lovingly initiates justification, sanctification, and glorification of sinners. It is the glorious display of God’s sovereign goodness and grace. “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son."
1 John 4:10,19; Acts 13:48; Ephesians 1:2-4; 2:4-5, 8-9; II Thessalonians 2:13
Through Christ Alone
Justification occurs by and through Christ and because of His work on the cross and is apprehended through faith. No man is justified in the sight of God partly by Christ and partly by works. There is no other name or means by which we may be saved. Salvation comes through Christ alone.
Romans 3:20,28,30; 8:33; Galatians 5:4
No Boasting
Therefore, God’s saving grace precludes boasting and calls for humility. It rules out any attempt to earn acceptance with God. This saving grace of God comes by and through Christ alone, for the pleasure and glory of the Father, and not with regard to, or in cooperation with, any unforeseen works of faith or effort of man.
Matthew 22:14; John 6:44; 14:6; Romans 8:30; 9:11; Ephesians 1:4-12, 17-19; 2:1-5; 8-9; II Thessalonians 2:13-14; II Timothy 1:9-10; Titus 3:4-5; Acts 26:18; Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26
The Work of Christ
Through living a perfect life and dying in our place, the just for the unjust, Christ absorbed and became sin on our behalf, receiving our due punishment of death, and thereby satisfying the wrath of God against us. It is by this atoning death that all who trust in Him are forgiven of sin and declared righteous, justified, before God.
We further believe that the work of Christ on the cross for sin impels a universal offering of the gospel to all persons, so that to every person it may be truly said, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but have eternal life.”
1 Peter 2:24; 3:18; Romans 3:23-26; 5:6, 9, 18-19; 8:1,34; 14:9; I Corinthians 15:3; II Corinthians 5:14 21; Galatians 3:13; Ephesians 1:7; 2:3-6; Philippians 3:9; Colossians 1:14; I Thessalonians 1:10; Matthew 28:19; John 3:16; 4:14; 6:37; 10:27; Revelation 22:17
Human Responsibility
Human beings are accountable for their response to the gospel – the forgiveness, pardon, and reconciliation offered to them in the Lord Jesus Christ. When an individual places their faith in Christ, the person is justified by God and adopted into His family (Philippians 2:13).
Eternal Security
We believe that those who are redeemed and come to saving faith will remain in Him. Believers may fall into sin through neglect, spiritual weakness, and temptation, whereby they grieve the Holy Spirit and bring reproach on the cause of Christ. Even so, they will be kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, sanctified by His spirit, and will never fall away. They did not earn their salvation by their efforts and they cannot lose it for the same reason.
Philippians 1:6; John 10: 28-29; 17:11, 24; Psalms 32:3-5; 89:31-33; Jeremiah 31:3; 1 John 3:9; Matthew 7:22-23; II Timothy 2: 19; Hebrews 10:10, 14; Hebrews 13:20-21; Hebrews 6:17-18; 7:25; 9:12-15; Romans 5:2,5; 8:33-39; II Thessalonians 3:3; I John 3:18-19