What we believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."
- A.W. Tozer

What We Value


Salvation changes everything for people.  People are dying and going to Hell. People are living lives that are meaningless. Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost and has sent us to carry out the Great Commission in this world. The Gospel is the hope of the world. We take this to our community, our jobs, our schools and our neighborhoods


It’s important to build and cultivate meaningful relationships rooted in love - real love that encourages, challenges, and honors one another. These relationships lead us to be better believers in Jesus, better husbands and wives, better parents, and better citizens. We desire to lead genuine and authentic lives and live in relationship with one another with our hands open


The evidence of a change life in Christ is a life of selflessness. We give because  He  gave.  Because  of  what  Jesus  has  done  for  us,  we  willingly give  our  time,  our  talents  and  treasure  to  Jesus  and  His  church. Sacrifice and service that is rooted in genuine love will show the world the life changing work of Christ.


Our purpose in life is to love God and to bring His kingdom on earth. We accomplish this when we selflessly look beyond our four walls, our church walls and zip code. We are committed to building God’s kingdom, not West Oaks. Our commitment to build healthy churches in the West Brazos area extends as far as the Lord leads.